Severed Memories Reconstructed

A collaboration between the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Materials for the Arts, 2017

My series of collaged slides Severed Memories Reconstructed was part of the exhibition ‘Institutional Memory: 35mm Slides from the Met’s Collection Reimagined’ (2017) along with artworks by Michael Kelly Williams, Andrea Wolf and Dustin Yellin at Materials for the Arts in Long Island City

In conjunction with the exhibition, I created the workshop Art Slide Remix for Teens Take the Met (2017) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Press about the project:
Severed Memories Reconstructed Installation
MET slides – severed memories

Memory forms as images overlays.

Revisiting the scene over again, attempting to see from a different angle but only blurring what was, with what I wanted to see.

As a child I’d go to the museum nestled in a raincoat up-on-top holding my father’s head while dodging the large raindrops between scaffolding. It was raining when I last visited the MET to cry and drink champagne for the media lab no more. Kindly handed bag for my dripping umbrella, I tucked my memory away too. This picture was taken in sunshine. I was not there and had not yet developed a preference for clear umbrellas.

The doors open for the long exposure. People blur through a configuration of guards ensuring history stays in place. Shifting from foot to foot. The same photo taken again and again. Piece by piece the museum is captured, never to be put back together again.

A quarter to closing the flow of people suddenly turns scuttling downstairs and dispersing back into the city. I should have arrived earlier.

The future and past collided and scrambled back into a semblance of order.

Between ancient Greece and the pharaohs was coat check. History neatly laid out.